Vedic Astrology by Raj Sharma                                                                                                      Call Raj Sharma@ 416-746-4000


Aries          Taurus            Gemini                Cancer              Leo               Virgo                 Libra        Scorpio         Sagittarius    Capricorn      Aquarius       Pisces

Gemini ( Mithun )
(April 21st to May 21st)
A man in this Zodiac has a thin long and proportional face with a high forehead and very cleaver. He knows how to dress well even with a low budget. He hate to set fix schedule, and dislike a boring same routine job. He likes to act opposite to what he wants to do. He is a very good speaker and make a very good politician. He can easily persuade other people and well presented himself in public, a real charmer.He never satisfy about his fame, his reputation or money, because he thinks he deserved more. He will keep searching even he is not sure what is his ultimate satisfaction. Woman in love normally wants to feel secure and stable, but if you fall in love with this guy be prepare to be alone. You can not expect him to be the same person now, and forever. His changes will depend on you, for better or for worst. He keeps his emotional secretly as if hiding it.
Whereas Gemini Women have both good looks and
brain, a very interesting person. She is able to do many things at the same time and do it fast. She is a dreamer and has many dreams. She eager to learn something new all the time.She is quite lucky in love. You have to put all your efforts to win her affection. She able to keep all kinds of mixed emotions without annoying you or letting you know at all. She can cheer you up by acting like a free little bird. She able to talk to you in any subjects. She can make you feel like you are the luckiest man alive. SShe is a quick wit person and learn new things very fast. She can see your projects and she can give you good advice. If she thinks you are not sure that you want her for yourself, she will act like your best friend only, a cool woman. She can easily make a guy fall in love with her. Her multiple changes and many moods is a "Charm" for many men.
 She can get bored and tired with her own surrounding more than at work. She never feel content with her present work, money, or reputations, she will drive to have more. Don't ask her what is her ultimate contentment for she will not have an answer. Once you get to know her, she will be a supportive person and always be beside you. She has a beautiful dream and she loves to have someone walk side by side with her, together and equally.

Element - Earth

Key Planet -

Lucky Number
- 6

Greatest Strength
- Your sensible outlook on life

Greatest Weakness
- Accepting less than you can achieve


***More about Gemini***

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